Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning



Fall Faculty Workshop 2024 takes on A.I.

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Thurs., August 22, 2024 | 10:30am-2:00pm | Maucker Union

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Take a moment to add Fall Faculty Workshop 2024 to your August calendar. We’ll help you launch your next academic year with an informative & engaging day – insights, fellowship, interactivity – as we find ways to respond to the affordances and perils of generative artificial intelligence (AI). 

Our guest for FFW 2024 will be Dr. C. Edward Watson, co-author with José Bowen of Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning. Dr. Watson is nationally recognized for his expertise in evidence-based teaching and learning practices, and as a futurist for higher education. As such he is the point-person at the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) for open education resources, digital equity, and artificial intelligence in higher education.

After our plenary session with Dr. Watson - “AI’s Implications for Higher Education: Preparing Students for Success Beyond College” - and a break for lunch, we will offer a selection of concurrent sessions developed by AI surveyors and pioneers from our own campus.

When you register we make sure we’ve got you covered for lunch AND we put you in the running to win your own copy of Watson & Bowen’s book. Thirty-five books will be distributed on a rolling basis, with winners announced on the 15th of June, July, & August.

BTW: If you are interested in a preview, here are two episodes of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast with Bonni Stachowiak that feature authors Eddie Watson (5/9/2024) and José Bowen (5/16/24).

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