Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning

September Sessions

Click here to register for any of the sessions below.


A.I. 101: All the Buzzwords

Thursday, September 26 | 2:00 pm | Rod Library 378
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Friday, September 27 | 12:00pm | Rod Library 378

Presenter: Wilson Rojas (CETL, Assistant Director for Emerging & Innovative Technologies)

Goal: Clarify the definitions, concepts, and tools surrounding Artificial Intelligence. 
Description: What is AI? What is Generative AI? What is the difference? Do they work? How might they affect me? Join us in this session, where we will explore the answers to these questions and provide guidance on how these technologies shape how we interact, consume, and create digital content.


Integrating Generative AI Technologies into Teaching Practices

Monday, September 30 | 3:00pm | Rod Library 378
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Tuesday, October 1 | 11:00am | Rod Library 378

Presenter: Wilson Rojas (CETL, Assistant Director for Emerging & Innovative Technologies)

Goal: Enhance active learning using artificial intelligence. 
Description: During this session we will discuss how we can use active learning techniques in combination with Generative Artificial Intelligence to move from a “what” pedagogical approach to a “why” paradigm. 


“Teaching Squares”
Kickoff Meetings: Overview & Sign-Up

Tuesday, September 17 | 1:00pm | Rod Library 378
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Friday, September 20 | 1:00pm | Rod Library 378

Facilitator: Jonathan Chenoweth (CETL)

Open a “mirrored window” onto your teaching and learning: Join a Teaching Square! Members of a “square”* invite each other into their classrooms, not in order to critique one another’s teaching but to reflect on their own. 

“The traditional view of the [peer observation] process … includes an assumption that colleagues can learn effectively from each other’s explicit, constructive feedback about observed teaching. However, evidence is increasingly emerging that learning from watching a colleague teach can be just as beneficial as, if not more than, receiving feedback, even when that feedback is well constructed.” (Hendry and Oliver, 2012)

Come to one of the kickoff meetings to learn more – with no obligation – and we’ll handle the logistics of assembling and connecting a “square” cohort that fits your schedules. You’ll attend 3 meetings (counting the kickoff), observe 3 classes, and write 3 paragraphs. You may also make 3 new friends!

*Squares need not consist of 4 people, but 3-5 is a good range.

Click here to register for any of the above.